Tuesday, August 4, 2009


finally we have uploaded all the poics off the camera!

I am going to post a few. As for some breif updates:

The dr. said he is now thinking maybe the mark on heaven's arm is a birthmark but we need to continue to watch it just in case and take her back in again if it grows or gets darker. I think it is a birthmark ... but you never know i guess. She is doing so well with potty training now, i am so so so glad! she still has a few accidents here and there but overall it is moving along much nicer!

Suneet can now say baby... as of yesterday! She talks so much and actually has "real" words. This amazes me! Heaven did have many words early as well... but still i am in awe! She can say mama, dada, papa, baby, kind of says thank you, num num, nummy, good! She also learned the sign for all done this morning! I am going to be working on teaching her the signs for more and all gone. then maybe please and thank you! So we will see how it all goes. I am sure she will get it she is a fast learner!. I just wish she would learn how to STOP climbing on everything. She scares the begezzes out of me! When she holds a baby or a stuffed animal she hugs it. even when she is going to sleep! As of the first, which was her birthday, she has been in a toddler bed! That is going very well. Usually if I ask for a kiss she will give me one! Of course her mouth is open but whatever it is a kiss to her! She is really just such a light in my life as is Heaven of course.

I am so thankful for my two girls and for a wonderful husband. I am still trying to figure out how i have come to be so blessed! Well, i better get going still need to put up some pictures for you all to adore! lol.

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